Sunday, September 9, 2012

what happened to my Fridays?

Once upon a time I had a magical day named Friday. Friday was beautiful. I would get off school or work, rush home, do my hair, put on makeup, dress up & go out! Ahhhh FRIDAYS :-) In high school, this was going to a movie or the skating rink (remember those?). On college a party or a club. As s young married woman,we played vollyball. Ahhhh FRIDAYS :-) Now, as a stay at home mom, Friday is gone. The magic died. RIP. Friday is diffrent now. Now I pick up my second grader J & my baby N gets to sleep. I take care of my mom who has been sick. I pick my husband up from work. I cook dinner. I clean the house. I do diaper laundry. I wash work shirts. I read papers from J. I watch tv. I put dishes in the dishwasher. I hold N. My hubby plays video games. Do you hear going anywhere? Makeup? Dressing up? How about taking my hair out of a pony tail? No where in there? Ya sure? You would be correct if you said no. This is not a dig on my sahms out there. I love being one. This is about never going out. I asked my hubby about it. He escaped to the mancave. I miss fridays. Wow!